Sun, Jan 22, 23.

Elijah's Miracles

  1. Elijah caused the rain to cease and remain so until he says otherwise [1Kgs 17:1].
  2. He was fed bread and meat by ravens (an unclean bread), and he drank from a brook [1Kgs 17:4].
    1. God can combine a miracle with something natural.
  3. God sent him to a Gentile woman (not a Jew) to fed him [1Kgs 17:9-16].
    1. This means God must have showed Elijah the woman, because he did not just go to any random woman to ask for food.
    2. God also orchestrated things in a way that he met the woman while she was gathering wood. She was waiting for him but did not even know.
    3. The woman must have recognized Elijah as a prophet because she said: “as the Lord THY God liveth”, not “as the Lord MY God liveth” [1Kgs 17:12].
    4. The goal of the miracle was to feed Elijah and not for the woman and her son to eat. God was blessing Elijah and the woman was a beneficiary.
  4. Elijah brought the son of the woman back to life [1Kgs 17:17-24].
    1. Though a Gentile, the woman showed from the way she talked, that she was acquainted with and was a worshipper of the God of Israel.
    2. Elijah stretched himself over the child 3 times and prayed to Yahweh and the boy’s soul returned to him [1Kgs 17:21-22].
  5. Elijah challenged and defeated the prophets of Baal by calling down fire from heaven when they could not [1Kgs 18:1-40].
  6. Elijah brought back the rain [1Kgs 18:1,41-45].
  7. Elijah outran Ahab’s chariot [1Kgs 18:46].
  8. Elijah was fed by the Angel of Yahweh before setting off to Horeb [1Kgs 19:7]
  9. Elijah travelled miraculously for 40 days with the strength from the food [1Kgs 19:7-8].
  10. Yahweh met with Elijah at Horeb [1Kgs 19:10].